My name is Cassidy Bastien and I am founder and creator of the Caregivers Hub Facebook Page and Support Group. I am 31 years old and have been a Certified Nurses Aid since I was 18. I live in Washington State with my boyfriend and my weeny dog. I currently work for a home care agency, taking care of my 86 year old client whom I have been caring for 24hrs a day 4 days a week for the past almost two years. I got my certification in Montana where I was raised. I had worked in the local retirement home kitchen when I was 16 and that is how I fell in love with the geriatric population. As soon as I had graduated highschool I went to the local nursing home and underwent training to get my CNA. Over these many years I have done everything from skilled nursing facilities to private care, from activities to restorative work. The biggest learning experience of my career and where I found my heart was working as the only activities and restorative aid in the Alzheimer's unit. August 2015 I decided that it was time that I do something with all of the knowledge, experience and nursing skills that I have, and started putting together the caregivers hub. It has been my platform to share all that I know with family caregivers and my fellow CNA. The caregivers hub offers information on hospice, family Caregiving resources and Medicare, provides encouragement and support to others on their Caregiving journey. The support group holds all recorded hangouts on the above stated topics and is a place for all caregivers to connect and learn from each other. It is available to anyone who is mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically providing care for someone.

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