There are over 100 million caregivers just in the United States, that is roughly one third of the population. That means that every single one of you probably knows someone who is caring for a loved one that is disabled, elderly, or has some kind of disability. That doesn't even include all the parents that are giving care to their kids who might have special needs, or the ones who are grieving the loss of a loved one who are in need of support of some kind.

Caregiver Burnout is at epidemic levels! The sad thing is that if not corrected, these loving, dedicated and self-sacrificing heroes will become as sick or sicker than the ones they are caring for!

Do them a favor, and share this post with them so they might be able to listen to my recorded pod-cast that airs on my radio show. Join Dave Nassaney, at Dave, The Caregiver's Caregiver Radio Program Today at 3:30pm PST. (24/7 afterwards).  We have a different guest every Saturday at 3:30 pm PST. They just might pick up a tip or two that could make all the difference in the world between surviving, or going over the edge and getting closer to burning out. We discussed the Grieving Process and how to survive grief and avoid caregiver burnout. Tune in by clicking the link below to listen to our special guest, author and speaker, Sandra Champlain.