Kristina Ashley has been interested in death, dying and grief since she was in her early twenties. She read many books, took classes in college about these interests and had truly powerful experiences with clients doing past life regressions as a certified hypnotherapist. She always felt there was something beyond the physical body and that the soul doesn’t die. It retains memory and lives on, building upon its experiences for inner growth and full realization of itself. Kristina has also been in the presence of souls crossing over in her work as a hospice volunteer and caregiver, affirming to her that the times of birth and death are truly the most powerful of every being. Her book, All Was Love, in partnership with artist, Trea Christopher Grey, is the result of a long personal spiritual journey and her openness to the soul, Tammy, that connected with Kristina while Tammy’s soul was transitioning through the experience of death. It is Kristina's hope that All Was Love will help change the way most people think and feel about death, life and love.

As a caregiver off and on for over 25 years, I truly understand the depths of selflessness that caregivers give to others and as well, the level of self care that caregivers need. The nurturing support of friends and family is crucial too. I have had to learn to have more balance in my own life of what I do for others and what I do for myself. I now know that I must care well for myself and get my needs met to be able to sufficiently give my energy to others.

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