We've all been there. You get all excited for a job opportunity...just to be told that you don't have enough "experience."

And, how many times have you've been told that you'll be interviewed for culture fit?

In this episode, I chat with Tanya Hannah Rumble who believes that we need to leverage the power of our lived experiences in our job search. Our failures, our upbringing and the lessons we learn throughout our lives can be used to position yourself as the best candidate.

We talk about:

- what the term "lived experience" actually means

- how to uncover what stories you can use to benefit your professional career

- culture add vs. culture fit

- what to do when you feel nervous about being vulnerable

Tanya is a fundraising leader who has raised millions for some of Canada's largest charities including Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Canadian Cancer Society, McMaster University and now Ryerson University. Tanya is passionate about equity, diversity and inclusion; and power and privilege and how these intersect with philanthropy. Connect with Tanya on Linkedin and Twitter.

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