Do you want to make a career change, but don’t know what to pursue? You’re not alone. So many people are struggling to figure out their career switch as shown on Facebook groups for career changers. The most common post on these groups goes something like this, “I’m so unhappy doing what I do right now at my job, but I don’t know what else to do with my career!” 

Here to the rescue is certified life and career coach Deirdre Taylor. Deirdre helps her clients discover their passion and purpose, and prepare for success in their careers. In this episode, she offers some direction on how to look past simply what you do (or did) on the job to figure out what career switch to make when you’re lost.

Episode Highlights:

Designing the life you wantHow to figure out what you’re best at vs what you enjoy doingDetermining the market demandConsider what you want in your next job at this stage in your lifeUsing the power of loose connectionsTalking to others who’ve made a career change for ideas and supportHow to answer the question, “What do you want to do?” when networking with new people in new industriesHow to use AIR (Advice, Information and Referrals) to figure out what to pursue next 

Find Deirdre Taylor at

Music credit: TimMoor from Pixabay

Podcast info:
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