“It feels like stagnation, like our forward progress has been arrested, and the path we were on has been erased” - Mo Perry (@MoMoPerry) on the pandemic

Our host, Justin Dux, was able to roundup Minneapolis based Mo Perry and Bryan Miller to discuss how the pandemic is affecting our lives and careers. Mo is a freelance writer and actress who, with her husband, founded Logosphere Storysmiths, a boutique writing and editing agency. Bryan (@realbryanmiller), is a comedian and writer. He has done stand up on CBS’s The Late Late Show, and is the head writer for the nationally syndicated radio segment and podcast Quick Snaps. 

The anchor of the interview is an article Mo wrote for Medium called Essential Work for Inessential Workers - The search for purpose when purpose seems lost. The article talks about the void that the current pandemic has left in our lives and the question of how to fill it.

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