I wanted to start off the new year with a quick update on what is happening on CareerCloud and what you can expect in the new year. But first it is the start of the job hunting season, time to dust off that resume and hit the job search button...as I speak, recruiters are busily getting ready to post lots of new jobs this month and open up the resume floodgates. January is the like the christmas season for online job search. The job market will tighten even further this year which means candidates will have more leverage. Don't be afraid to negotiate if you get an offer. Also Remember when applying online to customize your resume as much as possible for each job you apply to. One resume does not fit all….Be patient with the hiring process as recruiting departments will be extremely busy in the first few months of the year. If you have been to CareerCloud lately you may notice some design changes to our various micro sites. CareerCloud is made up of 4 main sections Careercloud.com is home to our articles and podcast Tools.careercloud.com is home to our growing database of online job search tools from salary sites to job boards Leads.careercloud.com is home to our state by state database of hiring annoucnements across the USA and Canada. This section has a new look, we used the same template from the Tools section to try and standardize the user experience. Finally Job.careercloud.com is home to our national job board. All logos across the site for each section are now standardized as well to reflect one brand. I’d like to also invite you to contribute to CareerCloud in the coming year. Would you like to write an article to boost your personal brand? We are always on the lookout for interesting content so if you have something to say why not get it up on CareerCloud and have it read by 40,000 monthly readers. To submit your article go to careercloud.com, mouse over the About link in the top nav and choose ‘Contribute’. As we head into 2017 if you know someone who is looking for a new job I urge you to send them our way. Our mission has always been to educate, inform and empower people through their job hunt. To that end, CareerCloud will always be on your side.