Welcome aboard for Episode Zero of the That’s a Job? podcast

The foundation for this podcast is to showcase jobs and professions that many people may not know, or really don't know what kind of work is done in those roles.

This podcast is about piquing the interest of people about jobs, professions, vocations, or lines of work that they haven’t heard of. Or even jobs you have heard of, but don’t really know what they are.

I have seen all kinds of jobs, and I have had probably more than my fair share of jobs too. Some you will know, others you won’t.  I can tell you I didn’t know about some of the ones I ended up in as I was on my Career Adventure.

We only know what we know, and we don't know what we don't know. You probably have a pretty good idea of what teachers, doctors lawyers, bus drivers, pastors, and website developers do. But what do perfusionists, data analysts, art therapists, doulas, food scientists, and ocularists do in their work?

This show will introduce you to jobs, careers, and work that many people don't really know about and how people get into that role.

Enjoy the journey, and subscribe to this podcast That’s a Job? on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

The That’s a Job podcast is presented by Career Adventure Academy - Discover the work you are wired to do.

Let the Adventure Begin!