This week on the Cardhoarder Podcast Conor, Nathaniel, and Dave critique the launch of the Magic Pro Tour Team Series.  Unfortunately the talk of Pro Tour Aether Revolt was a judge a call during round 8 of the tournament.  Will the shortcut rule be augmented in the future to clear up confusion?  Other topics include Dave's experience onsite at PTAER, PTAER team fantasy results, MTGO bug of the week, acquiring cards for week 1 on Magic Online, and a game inspired by Windmillionaire.  

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Dave's experience at PTAER - 6:43 Pro Tour Team Series critiques - 11:43 PTAER team fantasy results - 31:31 Judge call during round 8 - 34:24 MTGO Bug of the week - 1:05:22 Acquiring cards online during week 1 - 1:08:11 Windmillionaire inspired game - 1:26:35

Pro Tour Team Series leaderboard

Pro Tour Aether Revolt Windmillionaire - MTG game show by Windmill Slam YouTube Channel

Pro Tour Aether Revolt playmat image

Music provided by Terrible Spaceship
Your Hosts: Conor O'Donnell, Nathaniel Buckley-Wright, and David Murphy

Conor's Twitter: @conorpodonnell | Twitch: conor_od

Nathaniel's Twitter: @Cardhoarder | Twitch: Cardhoarder

David's Twitter: @DavidSea89 | Twitch: davesea