Randy Buehler retires from coverage while the Magic Online Player Advisory board members were announced.  The cast discusses which members were hits and misses.  Other topics include Pro Tour Eldritch Moon coverage, round 15 & 16 pairings changes, Pro Tour Gauntlet decklists, and more!

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Magic Online Wishlist - 3:23 Randy Buehler retires from coverage - 11:59 Pro Tour Eldritch Moon coverage - 14:33 Round 15 & 16 pairings test run - 26:25 Pro Tour Gauntlet decklists - 41:28 MTGO Player Advisory Board members announced - 45:37

Randy Buehler's signature call

Magic Online Wishlist spreadsheet

Music provided by Terrible Spaceship
Your Hosts: Conor O'Donnell, Nathaniel Buckley-Wright, and David Murphy

Conor's Twitter: @conorpodonnell | Twitch: conor_od

Nathaniel's Twitter: @Cardhoarder | Twitch: Cardhoarder

David's Twitter: @DavidSea89 | Twitch: davesea

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