With Core Set 2019 in the fold, we take a look at the week 1 results from SCG Worcester.  There are actually a few new cards making an impact in eternal formats.  The new Arena patch happens to have a few of our wish list requests.  Is Arena starting to gain traction?  We play the Price is Right game since the finance world has been shifting in response to treasure chests and the B&R announcement.   

The Cardhoarder Podcast is proudly sponsored by Cardhoarder.com

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SCG Worcester - 1:44 M19 Arena patch - 15:05 MTGO flashback events - 27:20 Zmagic94 365 day stream challenge - 30:28 Price is right game - 32:40 Cardhoarder After Dark - 56:34

Music provided by Terrible Spaceship

Conor's Twitter: @conorpodonnell | Twitch: conor_od

Nathaniel's Twitter: @Cardhoarder | Twitch: Cardhoarder

Dave's Twitter: @DaveSea89 | Twitch: davesea