NOTE: CHANGE OF DATE: Audiobook Bundle will be released Tuesday 5th October.

Today's podcast episode is a little teaser of our new audio story bundle coming in September! These bedtime stories will be the perfect bundle to bring peace to your child before they go to sleep. You will love Goodnight God bedtime stories.

Listen to the episode to find out what the story is about....enjoy this little sneak peek.


Mei and Ginger: The Turtle Dilemma is the first book in a series that will cover the fruits of the spirit in a simple way for kids to understand.

The fruit of the spirit covered in this story is: Self-control.

Meiling Jade Carter is excited as she embarks on a family holiday to Turtle Cove, with her parents and Ginger her fluffy fat cat. She loves animals and wants to keep every single one she sees.

At the island she makes friends with the ranger’s son Lucas – who has a super adorable Cockatiel and knows so much about animals and Turtle Cove. Mei also goes on a night tour to watch turtle hatchlings make their way to the ocean.

Mei is mesmerised and wants to keep one, but she knows she can’t. These baby turtles need the water to live.

One night during a severe storm, Mei finds a little hatchling that didn’t quite make it to the ocean. With heart thumping and trembling fingers, she picks it up and takes it to her room.  She doesn’t tell anyone that she has the little turtle, but what if it gets sick and dies? What can she do?  


Written by: Esther & Stephanie

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