Episode #108 What Happens When Your Voice is Silenced, Don't Feel Heard or Afraid to Use Your Voice

Welcome to the show!

Today is a very important topic for me, for many.  Today I'm talking about when you don't feel heard, when you've been silenced or when you are just flat out afraid to use your voice.

The last of those 3 usually happens because of the first two and it's a big problem.

I've been researching this topic for many years now.  It's my story, it's the story of many people I've worked with over the years but the story is much bigger.

The research is staggering as to what happens when people don't feel heard, are afraid to use their voice, have been silenced.

This is such an important topic that I'm filming a documentary about it and I'd love to hear your stories.

If you'd like to talk about your story, whether you want to be in the film or not, I'd love to hear it.

You can email me at [email protected] or [email protected]

You Took My Voice is the name of my documentary and today I'll be talking about why it's so important that you continue to use your voice and not let anyone take it.

If you bit your tongue instead of saying what you need to say,

Struggle with setting boundaries because that requires the use of your voice,

Just keep the peace,

Have lost out in your life because you haven't used your voice,

Don't feel heard,

Have been silenced,

Then this episode is for you.

If you are ready to use your voice in ways you've never used it before, if you are ready to set yourself free then I can help!  http://www.captivatetheroom.com

I want to hear from you!