Voice masks, that's what I'm talking about today on the podcast.  What are voice masks?  Tiny sounds that you are putting in your voice without even knowing it.  These sounds are meant to protect you, but they cost you.

Voice masks are sounds that come from identities that come from voice stories and they do not represent the best version of you.  In fact, when you pick up a voice mask (without even realizing it) you create an instant block to our connection with you.

Voice masks are costing you next level retention, following AND revenue.

In today's podcast I'm covering the origin of these masks, 

the different masks and how they overlap,

how these masks are costing you and what you need to do to start getting in front of the masks so you can take your business and your relationships to the next level.


Want to take the voice masks quiz?



Are you signed up for the Voice Experience yet?  Don't miss it.  May 12th 7pm EST

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