Speaking with authority, commanding ANY space you walk into.  That's today's topic and it's a critical one.  Commanding authority, filling the space, ensuring you are captivating your listener and having a presence when you go into any arena, whether you are comfortable or not is critical.


Far too often we don't speak with authority and for many people, it's circumstantial.  If I feel comfortable, if I've practiced, if I know what I'm going to say then I can speak with authority but what about the other times?


I might even challenge whether you truly speak with as much authority as you could.


Today in this episode I'm going to be touching on a very important topic, authority that is in a rubber band ball with commanding a presence, speaking with confidence, feeling confident...


My friend Steve and I will be teaching to commanding the speaking and sounding like the authority in our upcoming Masterclass this coming Wednesday June 22nd at 1:00pm EDT


You don't want to miss this training!  What Steve and I will be teaching is applicable to professionals, executives, small business owners, entrepreneurs.


Go to https://www.captivatetheroom.com/celebrity to register