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Have you ever wondered if you are speaking in your real voice? Your authentic voice you were born with, instead of the voice you have developed subconsciously to protect yourself. If you're not speaking in your true voice, let's work to shift that and get you to the next level, speaking authentically and truly as yourself.

The winner of the drawing for leaving a review is KUQT4U. I love to read your reviews - to know what you love, what you'd like to hear - and this really helps get the word out there about this podcast! I'm also about to start my 8-week group program. If you have not hit your voice goals yet and you're still on the fence, I'd love to work with you! Check out this option: 8-Week Group Program

For the most part, most people are speaking in their real voice. There are many, however, who are not. What is your real voice? What is your not real voice? Your not real voice is when you literally create a voice that is not your authentic voice and it could be conscious or unconsciously created. It could be emulating someone you admire or respect, or a voice to fit in to societal expectations. You may be throwing in an accent, dialect, or certain pitch as a way to hide your true voice, your true self, without even realizing. Are you in an industry where you are using a broadcasting voice, or a performance voice? Either way, these alternate voices all become bulletproof glass, making your real self and your message impenetrable to your audience and unable to connect with you. There can never be an emotional connection as long as you have some kind of barrier or false voice in place. What's worse is this false voice you've created is nowhere near as good as your authentic voice and requires an exhausting amount of upkeep. 

One of the guarantees you're not speaking in your real voice is that your sound is stuck. Your sound may be stuck in one of five areas: throat, jaw, higher pitch, nasality, and dropping your endings/pulling it back in. Flow is a major issue when dealing with an inauthentic voice. This is the top layer of muscle memory and prevents you from having vocal variety. To hear where your sound is stuck and how to get it unstuck personally, I'd have to hear you specifically. However, what you can do is lay down on the ground and talk out loud. Hear how your voice sounds. Does it sound different? Does it feel different coming out? Does it flow? If it sounds or feels different, there is a good chance your voice is stuck. 

 So many people create an inauthentic voice because they want to be who people expect them to be, they want to be accepted, to feel better about themselves, to perform, to keep people out, to make an impression - but all of it is hiding and none of it is real. You believe you have to be something you're not so you create a voice that's something you're not. 

What you want is for us to connect with you. It's all linked. You won't get anywhere if we're connecting. I have to know how you feel so I can make an emotional connection with you. All of this is about hiding - not feeling enough, or you have to hide, or you have to present as something else. Every single time I have shifted someone back into their real voice, they have fallen back in love with their real voice again. One of the ways you can reveal who you are is revealing who you are - are you excited? Frustrated?Angry? The responsible expressions you need to express vocally are driven by feelings. Start having conversations WITH people instead of speaking AT them or performing for them. Be grounded. Start letting people in. Your mind, body, and voice must be connected. Get out of your own head and focusing on the outcome. 

Another option is to sit in a hard chair, sitting on your hands (palms down), and see if it feels any differently. Your voice is the orchestra of the heart. Check your breathing, too; your breathing is the fuel for vocal variety. You have to be grounded and connected to your breath. Some of these things are technical things that we can work on better in person or during a workshop, but these are also techniques I've discussed in other episodes that you can try on your own. Start rewriting your voice story and stop telling yourself (or believing) lies about your authentic voice. 

I'd love to hear from you and your thoughts on your authentic voice and if you've tried these exercises. Other than social media, you're always welcome to email me at [email protected]

Until next time, you know what to do. Get out there and speak your truth, just do it beautifully. 

Free training! The Voice Formula


Captivate the Room website

