This is a bit of a heavy episode I’ve been told by my team.  I think heavy is okay if it serves a purpose.  I recently got scammed, significantly and I am incredibly frustrated b/c in both instances, I could hear the foreshadowing of what was going to come in their voices.  I knew it but instead of trusting what I heard, I trusted the words that were spoken to me.

I’m sharing my experience for a number of reasons but most of all to create an awareness of what you are doing with your voice and your words and what you want to put out in the world.  I want you to play the long game, not the short game and especially not the scam game.

In today’s episode I’m reflecting on losing money and being scammed in two very different ways but in both cases, I saw it coming.

What words are you choosing when you teach and sell?  Are you able to honor those words or are they just words?

On another note, what do you hear when you hear voices?  Have you ever been scammed?  In retrospect did you see it coming? 

While this episode may be heavy, I hope you find value in it.

Voice experience, don’t miss it!  December 8th 7pm CST register here: