Resistance: you may have felt it in certain areas of your life but did you ever have any idea that it could be keeping you from your next level of success through your voice?

Today we will talk about things to look for, why it happens, and the true power of your voice that resistance is trying to keep down. Resistance is your subconscious keeping you safe; keeping you small. Let's break through that! Join me today!

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Resistance. There are a lot of ways resistance crops up and it is always found in voice work - even if you don't realize it! It may be in the form of certain habits that are keeping you from the next level of success. I see people doing things, even subconsciously, that is resisting going bigger. Your subconscious is going to do everything it can to keep you safe, which means keeping you small. The voice is the utmost place of judgment, of vulnerability. Your subconscious works hard to keep you from getting too big, too bold, or too risky. All these things you're being told by your subconscious will keep your masks up, will keep you nice and safe but will keep you from reaching the next level in your business and/or personal life. Judgment is not about you; being afraid of it is resistance. 

Why is this work important? The voice is the most powerful tool you have. It is how we, your audience, determine every single thing about you. The biggest problem I see for so many people is that what they are revealing in their voice is not who they really are. Thus, they struggle with connections. Their masks are causing them to be rejected and preventing them from putting out the best versions of themselves. This becomes exhausting but we are resistant to put down the masks. I don't focus on just technique. I focus on what is the best version of YOU and how do we crack those masks to communicate that to the world? The words are everything and nothing; it's how you bring them to life that has the power to change me. Data is important but it's not going to make me feel.

Trust is built in the voice; science has proven that. If you want people to trust you, they need to hear it in your voice. Subconsciously, your voice is where you reveal your message, your vulnerabilities, the wings of your soul, the orchestra of your heart. You can see why there may be so much resistance to protect you. Resistance can be found in masks such as hurt, pain, suffering, embarrassment, humiliation, experiences. When we are hiding behind masks, we are fully resistant. You can hear volumes in voices: barriers, connection, lack of connection. Use your ears but also trust your intuition. Your subconscious is processing what it is hearing. If there is resistance or fakeness, you can hear it as you begin to pay attention.

We all have to push through certain things. When you get to the other side, your life is forever changed. You're transformed in a way you never dreamed. If you're feeling resistance, don't worry. You're exactly where you need to be. Let it be your guide and remind you that you are on the right track of where you need to go next. It's up yo you to decide how and when you're going to push through it.

Until next time, you know what to do. Get out there and speak your truth, just do it beautifully. 


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