Welcome to the show!

Are you ready?  Is your voice ready to answer the question, the call?  Is your voice ready if you get blindsided and have no prep time to answer?

Two of the biggest contracts of my life happened when I did not even see them coming.

I turned the corner, was asked a question and BOOM!  I was hired.


I was able to deliver at that moment without preparation.

I was able to sound confident like the expert I am.

I was able to create an instant emotional connection.

I was able to make my listener feel something, compel them to take the action I wanted them to take.

Are you ready to do that without any preparation?  Without any practice?

Most people are not.

In fact, most people are getting ready to get ready...

That won't cut it.  That won't ever cut it.

What's interesting is that the people that I continue to see getting ready to be ready...I don't know if they'll ever be ready?


They keep buying into their own tricks of their sub-conscious, the lies of their mind.

I want you to be ready so that's what I'm talking about today.

If you want to get ready in my Black Friday offer, then make sure you email me, [email protected] for your special link to my offer.


Let's get you ready for 2021 starting NOW!