Welcome to the podcast.

Today I've got a very special guest that I know you are going to love hearing from.

 Amy Lang is a former student of mine and while her work is quite different from mine, it intersects significantly.

In this episode Amy and I talk about voice, habits and why we do the things we do, where our mindset gets off track, how we take action that will never get us the results we want and so much more.  

This episode is for you if you want to shift your reality and get more of what you want faster!


Guest Bio

Amy Lang is a master health coach, certified personal trainer, and host of the Happy & Healthy with Amy podcast. Also known as the Habit Whisperer, she helps chronic dieters free themselves from diet culture, create deep health and rediscover joyful eating. You can find her at www.moxie-club.com.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/habitwhisperer/