Welcome to the show!

I'm so excited to have you with me today and I've got a great show for you.

One of my former students is with me and she's really got some great nuggets to share with you today!

Lori and I talk about using your voice in a powerful way,

How to get visible without fear,

What it takes to build a business fast,

Why your voice matters and SO much more!

Lori is one of those people that when you meet them, you instantly feel like you've known them your whole life.  She's got a voice that makes people listen and has accomplished some impressive feats in a short amount of time.

I know you are going to love hearing from her!

Make sure you take a listen and go check out Lori's work on Instagram.


You can find Lori on Instagram at lwskincare


Guest Bio

Lori is a mother of 2 girls and 2 boys ages 14-25 and has one granddaughter.  Lori has been married for 26 years!  Lori is 46 and dang proud of it.

Lori went to esthetic school with her daughter Rilee in 2016 and opened a home clinic in 2017 and moved it to a storefront in 2019.  She is an age and acne specialist.  Lori has 8 employees in her clinic.  

Lori is an aging advocate herself and is big on gut health.  Lori exercises eats good nutrition, avoids sugar, and believes in how holistic nutrition can and will heal the skin.  

Lori believes honesty and integrity in her business have an impact over popularity.  Helping others feel and look their best is what gives her life!