Welcome to the show!

I'm so excited that you are with me today because today I've got one of my favorite people on earth as my guest.  Rob Scott is with us for the third time and I am loving having Rob as my first guest of the year...it's the new thing I'm doing!

Rob is truly brilliant and if you let him, he'll change your life.  I always enjoy the discussions that Rob and I have and today is no different.

In today's episode we discuss:

How to find happiness,

Getting into the now,

Being reactionary and how to stop it,

Why we sabotage ourselves and so much more!

PLUS, we talk about all the incredible things that Rob is bringing to the world for YOU including his new membership that I am a member of and I want you to be too!  

I've put links to find Rob Scott and his programs below as well as the links to the previous shows where Rob was a guest.  If you've not listened to them I highly recommend you visit them now!

The free Facebook group - https://facebook.com/groups/fundamentalshiftcommunity/
The link to join the monthly membership - https://fundamentalshift.com
The scholarship application for the mastermind - https://identityshifting.com/casestudy-training/


Previous episodes w/ Rob Scott on Captivate the Room

Episode #118 Writing a New Story and Achieving Success w/ Rob Scott



Episode #57 Changing Your Inner Voice/Identity Shifting w/ Rob Scott



Guest Bio

Rob Scott is the expert that helps people breakthrough, change and literally evolve their consciousness.  Rob goes beyond just mindset shifting, he shifts your very identity and he’s world-class as this.  Rob shifts people who think they’ll never be a successful entrepreneur and turns them into massively successful entrepreneurs, he takes people who never think they’ll have success and turns them into incredible success stories.  Rob’s spent the last decade of his life working with hundreds of thousands of people, shifting their identities and showing them how to evolve their consciousness and get incredible results across all areas of their businesses, their health, their relationships, and their entire lives.

Rob’s personally been awake now for more than 20 years and has been helping others wake up for more than a decade.  He’s helped craft congressional testimony multiple times which has led to national policy reform in American, has thousands of followers that he feels blessed to interact with and is the coach other coaches come to in order to shift themselves.  People who work with him have massive breakthroughs of more money, more health, more time and quite simply, more happiness and fulfillment.