Welcome to 2021 and the show!

Can you believe it?  We made it! 

In today’s episode, I’m talking about the connection which is key for 2021.  People are desperate for connection and I’m sure you can see why.

The voice is the place of connection and in the episode today I’m talking about how and why the voice plays such an integral part.

Barriers, blocks, masks, things you hide behind in tiny sounds are how you block us, keep us out and it’s in subtle ways that you probably don’t even realize are happening.

I hope you will step out from behind the voice masks that you have been carrying for so long.  In 2021 I want you to stop working so hard to hold up the masks that are weighing you down.

If you want to join me for my upcoming live training starting January 28th, I’d love for you to join me.  Just go to www.captivatetheroom.com/3free and sign up.

Best wishes for the best 2021!