Welcome to the show!

I thought since it's Women's month in March that I'd bring you some interviews with incredible women!  My first guest is a dear person that I just adore.  I've worked with Susie before and she's such a talent.  She's not holding back in this interview, really dropping nuggets of gold in her every word.  

In today's episode Susie and I talk about:



Voice work,

The societal elements involved in voice and communication,

Why we do what we do in relationships that cause us pain,

How to re-frame quickly,

and so much more!


Susie Connerley is a Rapid Transformational Therapist who has been working in the wellness arena for 11 years to maximize results, help people achieve real change and become more of who they truly are. With a background in psychology, energy therapy, and meditation, she has a unique ability to see the origin of where people are shutting themselves down and help them come in to full empowerment. Susie is on a mission to revolutionize the way we communicate in our relationships by connecting to who we truly are and finding and freeing our voices for good.

