Welcome to the show!

Today you are in for a treat because I have not one but two guests and we are talking all about finding your sparkle!

You've heard me talk about sparking, shining your light through your voice, revealing who you really are and today we are going to explore finding that inner sparkle so you live your best life.

We all have trauma.  In today's episode me and my special guests are breaking down some of the misconceptions of what trauma really is.

We are also looking at what it takes to move past the trauma and find our sparkle so we can live our best lives yet.

You are in for such a treat today as I"m joined by Nicole Lewis-Keeber and Michelle Lewis.

I met these women at Podcast Movement and was instantly drawn to them.  Both of these lovely gals work in the arena of trauma and get that trauma is something we've all suffered from whether we realize it or not.

In today's episode we are talking about:

What trauma is,

Why we need to move past trauma,

One of my own trauma's that I had years ago about working with men,

Our stories and how they quite often need to be re-written,

How money is linked to our worth,

The difference in men and when when it comes to coaching,

Things that keep us from finding our sparkle,

Shame and the destructive path it leaves behind,

How to live your best life yet and why it's essential that you do.


Guest Bio

Feisty and Fabulous cousins Nicole Lewis-Keeber of Nicole Lewis-Keeber Coaching and Michelle Lewis of the Blessings Butterfly are coaches, healers and square pegs who love to talk about all things Mindset and Money and Empowerment on their podcast The Sparkle Hour.

Nicole has nearly two decades as a therapist and clinical social worker that inform her private coaching practice.  Michelle has over three decades in various ministries that inform her private coaching practice.  Together, these bright and bold women speak Truth out loud and dare to create a positive ripple through their candid, honest conversations and inspiring interviews.

They tell all of their stories with authenticity and transparency to promote wholeness as well as to shine a light along the path for people learning how to sparkle some of their own sh!t out.

The Sparkle Hour

Nicole Lewis Keeber Coaching https://nicole.lewis-keeber.com/

Michelle Lewis https://theblessingsbutterfly.com