Welcome to the show!

I’m thrilled and honored to have Peter Bregman with me today.  I have followed and benefited from Peter’s work on so many levels and I have no doubt you are going to get massive value from this conversation.  One of the things I love so much about Peter’s work is it’s alignment with everything I teach when it comes to sounding more confident with your voice.

In today’s episode Peter and I talk about:

The power of breathing, pausing and simply resetting,

Change, why we resist it and how we lead with change for success,

Responding vs. reacting,

Being transparent and standing behind your word,

Emotional courage in communication,

Reflect, resist, replace,

Authentic speaking, and so much more!


Want to sound more confident and make a bigger impact?  I can help!  You can find out more about me at http://www.captivatetheroom.com I’ll be starting a 5-Day Voice on Podcast Challenge on 9/17 and would love you to join.  You can sign up here: http://captivatetheroom.com/5-day-podcasting-challenge-sign-up/