Episode #128 Increase Performance, Love Your Work w/ Sina Fak

Welcome to the show!

You are in for a treat today, especially if you are feeling a bit lackluster about your job or even the work you are doing as an entrepreneur.

Today I'm talking with Sina Fak, a workplace engagement consultant who is very passionate about helping find their why so they will love their work.

In today's episode Sina and I talk about:

Why the grass may not be greener somewhere else,

What really drives you to love your work,

Having clarity,

Being in alignment with your goals,

Toxic workplaces and more!

Guest Bio

Sina is a Workplace Engagement Consultant who helps organizations increase performance by creating a culture where everyone understands WHY they LOVE THEIR WORK. He believes true engagement stems from people having clarity about how their work is in alignment with their Goals (e.g. personal, economic, and lifestyle goals), Growth (e.g. personal and professional growth), and Impact Objectives (e.g. the greater contribution they are making to the world).

When people lack clarity they are more distracted and disengaged. The grass is always greener when you can’t see the grass you’re standing on.  The more clarity people have about how their work is in alignment with their personal, professional, and life objectives, the more intrinsically engaged they will be.  Through his various workshops and training seminars, Sina is helping organizations increasing workplace performance from the inside-out. 

For more information about how he can help your organization, please contact him at [email protected]