Episode #121 Dealing with Overwhelm w/ Anand Sharma

Welcome to the show!

Today I'm back with my friend and co-creator Anand Sharma with another installment in our series Achieve What Matters Most.

Today we are talking about the all-important topic, overwhelm and this is especially close to me right now.

In today's episode Anand and I discuss:

What overwhelm really is and why we function this way,

Why we take on so much,

The demands in our lives and how they've increased,

What we can do to simplify and why it's important,

And so much more!



Guest Bio

Anand Sharma is in the new phase of life wherein his mission is to help people to achieve what really matters to them. What matters to him is a 'meaningful fun'.  Coaching and mentoring is not a career for him but a spiritual path to living a fulfilled and balanced life He says he likes to be 'easy busy' and not 'crazy busy'. 
He is Founder and CEO of Growth Angle Ltd UK.  He is a professional & personal Coach, business consultant, speaker, trainer, facilitator, entrepreneur and an investor based in London, UK. He has more than 40 years of corporate experience spanning the UK, Europe, India, USA, and Asia. He has been a speaker at many international conferences in Europe, India, Australia, and Russia. He was the Global Director-Healthcare for Reckitt Benckiser Plc UK, one of the top global company of FMCG and healthcare brands. He was the Non-Executive Board Director of a pharmaceutical company based in Oxford UK and a Trustee of a Children's charity in the UK. He has B.SC; MBA and coaching qualifications besides he is a licensed Master NLP Practioner trained by Dr. Ricahrd Bandler, the co-creator of NLP. He is also a Master NLP Practioner trained by Ian McDermott, the coach of coaches.
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/anand-sharma-639888/