The energy needed to heat and cool our homes, turn on our lights, power our vehicles and drive our technology is growing in demand and efficiency. Senator David Osmek, R-Mound, and chair of the Senate Energy Committee, joins Capitol Report moderator Shannon Loehrke as he prepares to bring his committee to Minnesota’s communities to discuss Minnesota's energy future.

Senator David Senjem, R-Rochester, is the author of the Clean Energy First Act, a member of the transportation committee and chair of the Capital Investments Committee. He joins Shannon to offer his perspective on to offer his perspective on moving towards clean energy and investing in Minnesota's future infrastructure.

Also, Governor Tim Walz has created a subcabinet to address policies impacting climate change. Senator Nick Frentz, DFL-North Mankato, sponsors Governor Walz's clean energy bill, and he joins Shannon Loehrke to highlight ways the state can encourage the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.