We catch up on some of the bad news as this phase of the fallout from the Capitol Insurrection moves forward, including Senate Minority Leader McConnell's criticism of "legitimate political discourse" messaging being applied to the Insurrection by the RNC, the discovery of 15 boxes of material taken to Mar-A-Lago by Trump in violation of the Presidential Records Act, disclosures regarding Trump's regular habit of destroying government documents, the news that the accounting firm employed by the Trump Organization disavows the statements of financial condition they produced on behalf of the Trump Organization, and the ruling that Donald Trump and two of his children must give sworn depositions in a civil brought in New York sometime in the next 21 days. In the last half of the show, I'll examine the motion Rhodes' attorneys, James Bright and Phillip Linder, have brought before Judge Amit Mehta in DC seeking Rhodes' release from pretrial detention.