Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio (D - Baldwin Park) was born in Juarez, Mexico, and came to California with her parents at a young age.  Through perseverance and hard work, she became a teacher, was elected to the local water board, the school board, and now serves as the Assemblywoman for the 48th District in California.  

Assemblywoman Rubio discusses the impacts being an undocumented child has had on her family and the lingering effects throughout the state.  She also goes into detail about the priorities in her district including water, education, domestic violence and issues weighing on foster children and working and immigrant families.

As a Moderate Democrat, Rubio reflects on the manufacturing presence in her district and its uniqueness from the City of Los Angeles.  She also touches on agricultural issues and highlights the areas we all have in common and opportunities to work together.

To learn more about Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio, go to her website at:

She can also be contacted through the portal on her site, located at: