Over the past two weeks, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on two important cases for religious liberty. The court convened via conference call, due to the coronavirus pandemic, and as such, the public could listen live for the first time in history. Josh Wester, from the ERLC’s Nashville office, joins Jeff Pickering, Chelsea Patterson […]

Over the past two weeks, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on two important cases for religious liberty. The court convened via conference call, due to the coronavirus pandemic, and as such, the public could listen live for the first time in history. Josh Wester, from the ERLC’s Nashville office, joins Jeff Pickering, Chelsea Patterson Sobolik, and Travis Wussow, to discuss the cases critical for conscience rights, Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey Berru and Little Sisters of the Poor v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

This episode is sponsored by The Good Book Company, publisher of Talking Points: Abortion by Dr Lizzie Ling & Vaughan Roberts  

Guest Biography

Joshua B. Wester serves as Chair of Research in Christian Ethics. In this role, he provides analysis, content, and counsel on ethical issues to advance the ERLC’s internal and external needs, directs research and content development for the President, and coordinates the ERLC’s academic partnerships. He holds an M.Div from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently pursuing a Th.M. in Public Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Josh is married to McCaffity, and they have two children.

Resources from the Conversation

5 Supreme Court cases to keep your eye on by Policy Staff
Read Josh’s article | The Supreme Court hears arguments on the ‘ministerial exception’
Read Jeff’s article | Little Sisters of the Poor ask the Court to protect their religious liberty, again
Check out more of Josh’s articles and podcasts
Learn more about BECKET, a non-profit, public-interest legal and educational institute with a mission to protect the free expression of all faiths. 
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