Senate Democrats didn't realize they had defectors in their ranks in 2009 until it was too late.
For months leading up to the coup, political operatives met in secret - including across the street from the governor's mansion - to develop their plot. When the plan was implemented it caught all of Albany off guard, an impressive feat in a town known for its leaks.
The third installment of the Capitol Confidential podcast's "Tales from the Coup" series explores the behind-the-scenes events that led to the coup, with a focus on the Rochester billionaire who got fed up with the Senate Democrats, the meticulous and secret scheming of the Senate GOP and the motivations of the two wayward senators.
The episode features interviews with former Gov. David Paterson, New York Times Reporter Nick Confessore and Sen. Diane Savino, a Staten Island Democrat.
The show is available online at Capitol Confidential or wherever people download podcasts — including iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, or TuneIn. New episodes of the series are available every Friday.
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Senate Democrats didn't realize they had defectors in their ranks in 2009 until it was too late.

For months leading up to the coup, political operatives met in secret - including across the street from the governor's mansion - to develop their plot. When the plan was implemented it caught all of Albany off guard, an impressive feat in a town known for its leaks.

The third installment of the Capitol Confidential podcast's "Tales from the Coup" series explores the behind-the-scenes events that led to the coup, with a focus on the Rochester billionaire who got fed up with the Senate Democrats, the meticulous and secret scheming of the Senate GOP and the motivations of the two wayward senators.

The episode features interviews with former Gov. David Paterson, New York Times Reporter Nick Confessore and Sen. Diane Savino, a Staten Island Democrat.

The show is available online at Capitol Confidential or wherever people download podcasts — including iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, or TuneIn. New episodes of the series are available every Friday.

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