Troy Johnston’s story is not typical. We need to say that right up front. But we should also say that’s because Troy is not a typical guy. He stepped into the Amazon sales arena with a background in project management so he understood what it meant to organize for the completion of goals and the success that follows from doing so. He’s also atypical in that he applied what he learned in practical, powerful ways - which many people never do. You can hear the story of how Troy built a company to multi-million dollar status in just 2 years and then sold it to Ryan, on this episode.

Why entrepreneurs have to learn to be more comfortable with risk.

Coming from a conservative background, Troy Johnston didn’t like the idea of risk when it came to business decisions and investments. But when an angel investor approached him with a desire to invest in his growing company, Troy had a decision to make. Would he accept the infusion of capital offered so that the company could grow more rapidly (which entailed some risk), or would he delay growth and possibly never reach optimal levels of success by rejecting the cash and continuing to work hard to make the company grow? You can hear why Troy decided to take the risk and what he’s learned about the value of risk for entrepreneurs, on this episode of Freedom Fast Lane.

Successful brands, built from scratch, eventually have to depend on an all-star team.

Every highly successful Amazon brand reaches the point where the founders can’t continue to do all the work and expect bigger results. Capacity is limited, therefore scale is limited. When it comes to building a team you need to find the absolute best people for the roles your need filled, and Troy Johnston, Ryan’s guest on this episode was able to do exactly that. Troy talks about the impact his all-star team has had and how his company's growth was only made possible by the incredible ethic and work they have brought to his brand.

Why would you sell a multi-million dollar business that you built from the ground up?

The intriguing part of this conversation is that it’s between the founder and former owner of a successful Amazon brand/business and the person who purchased that same business from him after only two years. You’ll get to hear why Troy Johnston decided to sell Foxbrim and why Ryan Daniel Moran decided to buy it, as well as the reasons Troy felt it was time to sell the business when he did. It’s an amazing story and a powerful conversation, on this episode of Freedom Fast Lane.

True entrepreneurs continue to add value, even after the profitable sale of their company.

Troy Johnston is not the type of guy to sit on the sidelines while he still has contributions to make. Even though he sold his company for multiple millions, Troy is eager to discover the next ways he can add value and serve people. He’s resting in the space the sale of his company has afforded him, but with a mindset toward discovering what his next opportunity is. That’s what true entrepreneurs do. They continue to bring good into the world even after large-scale success. Get to know Troy and hear what he’s got on his agenda next, on this episode.

Outline Of This Great Episode [0:23] Ryan’s most recent acquisition: Foxbrim, and it’s owner, Troy Johnston. [3:36] How Troy got into building his own business: His background and process. [9:51] Troy’s decision to leave his full time job to depend on the Amazon brand. [13:20] Learning to be more comfortable with risk and why it’s necessary. [16:26] Making the choice to build a team in order to scale the business. [18:44] Thoughts of selling the company and why Troy made that choice. [22:57] The day of the sale and life after the fact. [29:59] Troy’s plans moving forward now that he has the cash. Action Steps From This Episode

FOR GETTING STARTED: Begin to explore the Amazon space. Look at products and more specifically at product brands. Notice what is being done to not only sell products but to build brands that are integrated and strong.

FOR GREATER SUCCESS: You can become a part of the same educational program that helped Troy achieve his success by going through the FFL bootcamp. Find the details at

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