Episode Highlights: 

How did Benita transition into the health and wellness industry? (6:00)

Benita shares how to have an organized mind. (10:33)

Benita shares the importance of being kind and mindful to yourself. (13:09)

Benita shares her thoughts on happiness and acceptance. (20:43)

Benita explains her health and wellness project. (24:10)

Benita shares why she’s very passionate about arts and theater. (25:34)

Key Quotes:

“You've always got to be reinventing yourself. I mean, otherwise, you get stale, you get left behind. I feel like I have always reinvented myself here at the station. And it was just time for another reinvention. And, I really fell in love with doing this.” - Benita Zahn

“Let's change the paradigm, and stop telling people what they have to do. And, stop pointing fingers when they don't do what we think they should do. What I'm working with people is to figure out what you want to do, what you need to do, why you need to do it, and how you can best achieve that for you.” - Benita Zahn

“I think the first thing we have to do is start looking at ourselves and not looking at how we think somebody should be perceiving us.” - Benita Zahn

Resources Mentioned:

Benita Zahn LinkedIn


Reach out to Ryan Hanley

Reach out to Michael Field

Episode Highlights: 

How did Benita transition into the health and wellness industry? (6:00)

Benita shares how to have an organized mind. (10:33)

Benita shares the importance of being kind and mindful to yourself. (13:09)

Benita shares her thoughts on happiness and acceptance. (20:43)

Benita explains her health and wellness project. (24:10)

Benita shares why she’s very passionate about arts and theater. (25:34)

Key Quotes:

“You've always got to be reinventing yourself. I mean, otherwise, you get stale, you get left behind. I feel like I have always reinvented myself here at the station. And it was just time for another reinvention. And, I really fell in love with doing this.” - Benita Zahn
“Let's change the paradigm, and stop telling people what they have to do. And, stop pointing fingers when they don't do what we think they should do. What I'm working with people is to figure out what you want to do, what you need to do, why you need to do it, and how you can best achieve that for you.” - Benita Zahn
“I think the first thing we have to do is start looking at ourselves and not looking at how we think somebody should be perceiving us.” - Benita Zahn

Resources Mentioned:

Benita Zahn LinkedIn
Reach out to Ryan Hanley

Reach out to Michael Field