Taylor Rao, co-founder of Two Buttons Deep and the Buttonista media brands shares her story and experience on building a media empire. We also get tactical on how non-media companies can use digital and social media to grow their business.

Episode Highlights:

Taylor talks about her interest in journalism at a young age. (3:33)

Taylor shares stories about being on-camera and connecting with her audience. (6:30)

How does Taylor feel about being called an “insurance influencer”? (12:23)

Taylor talks about making a decision early on, to grow the business. (20:20)

Taylor mentions how important consistency is in podcasting. (27:00)

What does Taylor feel her company is struggling with? (30:42)

Taylor explains the importance of promotion as a business owner. (35:22)

How does Taylor deal with varying viewpoints on social media? (42:12)

Key Quotes:

“Once we started being on camera, more people really felt like they got to know us. I'll be out to dinner, or I'll be walking through the farmers market, and someone's like, ‘I thought I heard your voice. Are you Taylor?’ They know my voice, they know my personality through just watching a video.” - Taylor Rao

“We make sure that frequency is there. Not only predictability of when things are going to come out, but, that you're going to be seeing this message, episode, whatever… multiple times. Whenever you're ready to interact and engage with it, it's there for you. You don't have to go back and find it.” - Taylor Rao

“If you're not putting out something that you don't believe in, or doesn't make you happy...It doesn't mean you can't be successful, can't make money and can't profit off of it. But, I think the way that it's delivered to people...We try to create the most authentic experience possible.” - Taylor Rao

Resources Mentioned:

Taylor Rao / Instagram

Two Buttons Deep


Reach out to Ryan Hanley

Reach out to Michael Field

Taylor Rao, co-founder of Two Buttons Deep and the Buttonista media brands shares her story and experience on building a media empire. We also get tactical on how non-media companies can use digital and social media to grow their business.

Episode Highlights:

Taylor talks about her interest in journalism at a young age. (3:33)

Taylor shares stories about being on-camera and connecting with her audience. (6:30)

How does Taylor feel about being called an “insurance influencer”? (12:23)

Taylor talks about making a decision early on, to grow the business. (20:20)
Taylor mentions how important consistency is in podcasting. (27:00)

What does Taylor feel her company is struggling with? (30:42)

Taylor explains the importance of promotion as a business owner. (35:22)

How does Taylor deal with varying viewpoints on social media? (42:12)

Key Quotes:

“Once we started being on camera, more people really felt like they got to know us. I'll be out to dinner, or I'll be walking through the farmers market, and someone's like, ‘I thought I heard your voice. Are you Taylor?’ They know my voice, they know my personality through just watching a video.” - Taylor Rao
“We make sure that frequency is there. Not only predictability of when things are going to come out, but, that you're going to be seeing this message, episode, whatever… multiple times. Whenever you're ready to interact and engage with it, it's there for you. You don't have to go back and find it.” - Taylor Rao
“If you're not putting out something that you don't believe in, or doesn't make you happy...It doesn't mean you can't be successful, can't make money and can't profit off of it. But, I think the way that it's delivered to people...We try to create the most authentic experience possible.” - Taylor Rao

Resources Mentioned:

Taylor Rao / Instagram

Two Buttons Deep
Reach out to Ryan Hanley

Reach out to Michael Field