In this episode, hosts Jenny and Michelle are joined by fellow securities lawyer Elizabeth Carter as they spill the tea on regulation crowdfunding platform missteps they have witnessed as well as the first major compliance action against a crowdfunding platform. They discuss why this is a serious issue for small businesses gaining access to funding, and how crowdfunding platforms could work more collaboratively with lawyers who represent small businesses so that everyone wins.

#fundraising #investmentcrowdfunding #investment #raisingcapital #RegulationCrowdfunding #regcf #EquityCrowdfunding #capitalraising #jennykasan #capitalinsight  #securitieslaw #startups 


Jenny Kassan is a business attorney with decades of experience. She is also a certified transformational coach, social entrepreneur, and finance innovator. Her formula for mission-aligned capital raising has helped diverse entrepreneurs throughout the country raise millions of dollars on their own terms.

Learn more about Jenny Kassan, here >>>> <<<<


Elizabeth L. Carter is a crowdfunding securities attorney who is passionate about restorative economics and community development.

Elizabeth assists investment funds, businesses, cooperatives, and nonprofits with the legal strategy and compliance of raising capital from both accredited and non-accredited investors (i.e. crowdfunding).

Learn more about Elizabeth L. Carter, here: