Previous Episode: Mount of Transfiguration
Next Episode: Remastered: Love

"So, Jesus’ enemies have finally got him exactly where they want him. They had had him arrested on trumped up charges, they had put him through a farce of a trial, they had beaten him nearly to death with a whip, then stripped him naked and nailed his hands and feet to a cross … and he was hanging there … right on the edge of dying. One of his disciples was dead, 10 were in hiding, and only one dared watch. Their hopes that Jesus might be their messiah, their inklings that he might actually be even more than that … the Son of God, even … all their hopes crushed by this … disillusionment … this emptiness. And Jesus says … “It is finished.” “It is finished” … what in the world does that mean?"
Stephen "Doc" Pattison