Trade Review Vault – Aliens: Dead Orbit   Tim kicks off our new format for Trade Reviews with a Dark Horse horror comic in the Aliens universe, Aliens: Dead Orbit. The miniseries was written and features art by James Stokoe. Does this make the comic a more intimate experience? Find out now!  

Trade Review Vault – Aliens: Dead Orbit


Tim kicks off our new format for Trade Reviews with a Dark Horse horror comic in the Aliens universe, Aliens: Dead Orbit. The miniseries was written and features art by James Stokoe. Does this make the comic a more intimate experience? Find out now!


Tim kicks off our new format for Trade Reviews with a Dark Horse horror comic in the Aliens universe, Aliens: Dead Orbit. The miniseries was written and features art by James Stokoe. Does this make the comic a more intimate experience? Find out now!