If you’re 50 or older, how would you like to feel like you’re 30 again? You can build character based on how you treat your body. Mike is 52 and Dan is 75 but their bodies and health don’t match their chronological age. Mike feels like he’s 30 and people are often really surprised when they find out how old Dan is, which leads to the conversation we are going to have today.

If you’re 50 or older, how would you like to feel like you’re 30 again? You can build character based on how you treat your body. Mike is 52 and Dan is 75 but their bodies and health don’t match their chronological age. Mike feels like he’s 30 and people are often really surprised when they find out how old Dan is, which leads to the conversation we are going to have today.

How do you do it?!

In this episode, we’ll get practical and tactical by diving into several areas that have helped us reach optimal health and wellness:

Hormone Replacement Therapy
Health Hacks That Turn The Clock Back
Tech, Tools, And Equipment We Use
Functional/Traditional Medicine
Energetic Medicine
Our Brushes With Death And Disease (we’ve both had cancer!)

For developing character and optimizing health, Mike and Dan both stick to a daily morning routine. You can learn from other people’s practices, but they’re hard to imitate because everyone does them for very specific reasons. Experiment and find what’s best for YOU.

Dan’s daily recipe for his capability optimization looks like this:

Green drink with protein
Gym for about 80 minutes to burn 1,000 calories before breakfast
Meditate for 20 minutes (47 years strong!)
Doesn’t worry about food for the rest of the day
Tries to eat organic: lots of greens and fruit, fish and meat
Makes sure to get enough protein (because of how much he exercises)
Drinks mostly water and green juice with an occasional glass of wine or beer

Mike’s routine goes something like this:

Heads to the beach and hangs by arms on monkey bars for a full body stretch
Pull ups
Gymnastic exercises for core (push ups, crunches, and sit ups in the cold water)
Squat jumps
Runs barefoot in the ocean for 1-3 miles
Swims out into the ocean, flips onto his back, meditation, and WIM HOF breathing
Home to shower
Takes supplements (customized based on his blood readings)
Eats (organic smoothies, veggies, meat, and fish)
Drinks tons of water (3 quarts minimum daily)
BHRT (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy – the silver bullet to get your mojo back!)
His whole routine can be done in 20-30 minutes!

A few more health optimizing topics covered in this episode:

Tricks and “Unfair Advantage Hacks”
Peptide and protein supplements
Muscle is the key to everything! (balance, metabolism, energy, and motivation)
Measurement and reporting are key to making progress
The importance of getting your blood work done
Finding a good, functional medical physician
Age-reversing technology (get a free copy of Dan’s guide.)

Here are some of the tools, tech, and resources we’ve found to be highly beneficial:

Wim Hof Inhalation and Exhalation exercises
Peloton Exercise Bike
The Vasper
Muse 2 Meditation Device
HeartMath Inner Balance (biofeedback + more!)