Lanctharus, Turbo, and Bhock play news catch up after this holiday season. Community News Happy Holidays from CCP and more XMas goodies ! and Operation Frostline and In-Game giveaways All 2015 in a single Year in Review Some changes in Trial and Packs New chronicles by CCP Delegate Zero (Inheritance) More fight between Serpentis and […]


Lanctharus, Turbo, and Bhock play news catch up after this holiday season.

Community News

Happy Holidays from CCP

and more XMas goodies !
and Operation Frostline
and In-Game giveaways

All 2015 in a single Year in Review
Some changes in Trial and Packs
New chronicles by CCP Delegate Zero (Inheritance)
More fight between Serpentis and Upwell

General News

New Hardware for Tranquility (v3)
New Grid Size because Bigger is Better !
Damage Profiles by ship Group (or VNI is king of PvE)
Discussion on Logistic Tech 2 Frigate, CCP wants your input
Eve Valkyrie Footage
Request for Beta Map feedback 
Dirt & Killmarks last until repackaged only: opportunities for market !
New Beta Launcher available for download, for PC and MAC 
New Camera opt-in 
EvE as a First Person Shooter with Joystick (video)

Kill of the Week

Ventures killing a Golem

Contact info

Email: [email protected]
Twitter  @capstable, @Lanctharus,@aiehoots@kudatimberline

@TurboAddiction @BhockCollective,

We welcome your feedback.  If you have topics, segments, comments, ideas, or anything you’d like us to talk about, let us know.  Any feedback is appreciated.

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