On this episode, the Capstable crew talks, the o7 Show, CSM Submit Minutes, and Lanc sits down to talk with Hendryck Tallardar and DJ Leadboy from Pandemic Horde. Turbo Snaaaaaaaaaaaaake!!!!!!!!! Capitol gun training is fun… Bhock Still no holidays, still recording and editing podcasts Metal Gear Solid V, cutscenes and bad keyboard support… no, I’m […]

On this episode, the Capstable crew talks, the o7 Show, CSM Submit Minutes, and Lanc sits down to talk with Hendryck Tallardar and DJ Leadboy from Pandemic Horde.


Capitol gun training is fun…


Still no holidays, still recording and editing podcasts
Metal Gear Solid V, cutscenes and bad keyboard support… no, I’m not buying a gamepad
Skyforge, finally a demi-god… one more game I am bad at
EvE is PLEX Online for me: I have all my ISK in PLEX and I check the price going up as clockwork


Oh crap! I was made CEO.  We are all screwed now.
Meeting with various courting alliances and corporations as I look for a new ancestral homeland and ZOMG!  Tell us what you really think Lanc?
What do all these damn buttons and settings do and is Summer over yet?


Eve EU Tour 2015 (Nottingham 09/19 ; Paris 09/21 ; Berlin 09/23 ; Evesterdam 09/26-27) + a 25EUR T-Shirt!

EVE LA on October 10th

WH news = our friends from Dropbear Anonymous got evicted from Nova (C6 magnetar) after more than a week of serious fighting

A link on all AT XIII deaths (Moracha, Cambion, Etana, Chremoas…)

(Congratulations Warlords of the Deep)
All the games, split by Virtual Realms
CCP Logibro is investigating collusion between top teams


Amarr Empire celebrates the reign of Empress Jamyl I with a funeral

Trial of successions should start soon and end at Fanfest 2016 !
Respawn abducted by Drifters ? Then biomassed ?
Drifter Incursions removed from Tranquility as they were causing issues

September 29 Patch (Vanguard):

Multi-buy… when is the multi-fit ?
PBR rendering for stations, amarr and Minmatar T3 cruisers
More Timers displayed: Jump Invulnerability & Wormhole Polarization
New Guristas Burner Mission (Cruisers)
Iteration changes on Probe Scanning Window
BC & Navy BC rebalance

CSM 10 Summer Summit

Day 1 Minutes

CREST & removal of Ingame Browser, with the problems it causes (like Tripwire and location real time)
Monetization = aka packages work better than individual SKINs (4 skins for the price of 1.8, who would have guessed)
Sov Recap: Imperium finding attack to easy (34 iHubs in Provi, in 3 days campaign) ; so many capture nodes that it discourages any fight, especially with the interface issues
Sov Change Plans = better interface, more information real time, more visibility and earlier warning (mostly NDA)
Cap Balance & Power Projection = NDA & NDA ; In WH & Lowsec: issues between Citadels and WH size holes

Day 2 Minutes

Roadmap = NDA
Player Acquisition
Little things is a long laundry list with a few good points
Customer Support
Purpose of the CSM
Nullsec = or how trollceptor is killing sov, and how defending is so much more work than attacking and trolling others ; + Jump Fatigue (limited to 5d now)
Individuality Vs Uniformity (aka UI personalization)

Day 3 Minutes

QA/QC: yes, they have a competent service to manage bugs appearing each patch
Metrics & Economy
Launcher & Download on Demand = talk about the EvE Bootstrapper
Structures & the transition from existing structures
EvE Store
Art = NDA

Not yet Day 4 Minutes

o7 Show 

CCP Seagull: back to hybrid release between monthly and big extensions
CCP Quant graphp0rn
Eve Vegas will have the announcements about Capitals

Mass Test for Brain in Box on 09/15

Pictures from CCP Paradox

Windows XP/Vista enter limited support

SoV: Citadels

v1 (08/13)
v2 (09/17)

Damage will help on capture

Capitals ?(09/11)

Parallax (11/03) – Nodes not attacked will slowly go to the defender

CCP Ytterbium answers angry players, complaining about lack of communication, beating them up with kindness and facts.

BRAVE purges over 7K inactive players.  Alliance re-organizing and entering faction warfare.


So for tonight’s Big Talk we speak to Hendryck Tallardar and DJ Leadboy directors from Pandemic Horde.


The kill of the week is an interesting killmail we have found through our countless hours of reading through the killmails this past week. It could be the most expensive fit loss, the most hilarious fit loss, or something we found amusing.

14b Probe… and no fitting or PLEX involved!

Want to get your friend’s hilarious kills mails on the podcast? Email them to [email protected]

Contact info

Email: [email protected]
Twitter  @capstable, @Lanctharus,@aiehoots@kudatimberline

@TurboAddiction @BhockCollective,
Website: capstable.net

We welcome your feedback.  If you have topics, segments, comments, ideas, or anything you’d like us to talk about, let us know.  Any feedback is appreciated.

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