On this episode we talk about all the news, announcements and more from FanFest 2015, including the election results for CSM X! Turboaddiction Hurting my neck doing nothing and trying to relax while all this craziness of evacing is going on. Bhock a lot of work with all the changes in HERO and Catch, and […]

On this episode we talk about all the news, announcements and more from FanFest 2015, including the election results for CSM X!


Hurting my neck doing nothing and trying to relax while all this craziness of evacing is going on.


a lot of work with all the changes in HERO and Catch, and out of town for the next show, so my industry and trading empire needed additional preparation
was a guest on the two EvE Prosper shows covering Fanfest


Evacing all day every day, besides that, Battlefield Hardline and Warframe update 16!

News We Missed

NC. and BL. deploy to Fountain
Skeleton Crew booted from N3

HEROwatch 2015

GE-8JV Evacuation
TEST Alliance Leaves HERO for Wicked Creek

Fan Fest 2015

Fan Fest Day 1

Valkyrie (pre-alpha announce) & VR – Plus a new Gameplay Trailer
Eve Online Keynote

Player activity stats

http://spreadsheetsin.space/ by Bellatroix
https://youreveyear.appspot.com by Aaeriele
https://pozniak.pl/yearly-stats by Lukas Rox

108 new SKIN (+32 existing from who has a ship with) -in April 28th
Two faction authentication
Emergent threat trailer (with Lore panel from the Hydrostatic Podcast sound where we can clearly hear Ashteroti talking about Caroline Star and the Drifters harvesting corpses… of capsuleers?)
Back into the Structures

Structures with Slots (High ; Medium ; Low ; Rigs ; Services) depending of size (S-XL)
Types: Assembly arrays; Research Laboratories; Market and Office Hub; Drilling platforms; Observatory array; Gates; Administration Hubs; Advertisement Centers
Housing, Docking // Mooring (supers docking)
What happens on content when destroyed
Easier Management

CSM X announced
CSMX results

Permanent Seats

Manfred Sideous
Sugar Kyle


Cagali Cagali
Chance Ravinne
Jayne Fillon
Mike Azariah
Sion Kumitomo
Sort Dragon
Steve Ronuken
Thoric Frosthammer

Fan Fest Day 2

V5++ rendering
Ship & Module Balancing
World Collide Tournament (3-1 for Camel, YAY Tranquility!)

we’re getting a badass yacht (bubble immune, warp core stabs & warp cloak)
Proof of hull tanking working !

Fan Fest Day 3

Heavy backend optimizations
AI improvements
Art & Graphic http://i.imgur.com/E1t6d8n.png

Caldari T3 destroyer (Jackdaw)
Gallente T3 destroyer (Hecate)

Valkyrie tournament – BRAVE won, I think?

Community News!

EVE Vegas 2015 and EVE Fanfest 2016 tickets now on sale

Bhock got his already for Vegas… the early bird tickets are out so fast!

Kill of the Week

The kill of the week is an interesting killmail we have found through our countless hours of reading through the killmails this past week. It could be the most expensive fit loss, the most hilarious fit loss, or something we found amusing.


Want to get your friend’s hilarious kills mails on the podcast? Email them to [email protected]

Contact info

Email: [email protected]
Twitter  @capstable, @Lanctharus,@aiehoots@kudatimberline

@TurboAddiction @BhockCollective, @_StupidGenius
Website: capstable.net

We welcome your feedback.  If you have topics, segments, comments, ideas, or anything you’d like us to talk about, let us know.  Any feedback is appreciated.

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