Ne-Sean was shot as he journeyed to a neighborhood shop and was eventually paralyzed from the neck down by the bullet. The doctors suggested that he would have to be in this state for the rest of his life. However, his parents are in contact with someone in the United States of America (USA), who is seeking assistance from hospitals there for Ne-Sean. As such, they are asking for your support to get Ne-Sean to the USA. The first major cost being US$50,000 (J$7.5 million) for airlift transportation and another US$20,000-US$30,000 (J$3 million-J$4.5 million) for early medical expenses. His mother talked with Dr. Canute White on Canyouth’s Exploration. #medicalhelp #charity #Jamaicandiaspora

I am Dr. Canute White, thanking you for watching/listening to this podcast episode.

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