Living your life without limits was the third episode of “Mind, Body and Soul.” T.D. Jakes interviewed LL Cool J. Before I watched the show I was curious why LL Cool J was selected to talk about living your life without limits. I knew he was a rapper who eventually got into acting, but it’s […]

Living your life without limits was the third episode of “Mind, Body and Soul.” T.D. Jakes interviewed LL Cool J. Before I watched the show I was curious why LL Cool J was selected to talk about living your life without limits. I knew he was a rapper who eventually got into acting, but it’s not uncommon for music artist to enter into the film world. Film directors are very smart they use the fan base of the music artist to promote the movie. Since it isn’t uncommon for a music artist to dive into acting, I was wondering what made him the appropriate person to tackle this topic.

After I did my research on his background I understand why he was chosen to discuss how to maximize your potential. He has been in music, film, television, author, fashion designer, and a philanthropist. He has now gone a step further and has entered the digital world. He created a social networking community for existing and new artist to create, promote, perform, and distribute music and entertainment.

I would definitely say he is living without limits. Anytime you have that many streams of income your quality of life changes and it also provides more options to be creative with your life. LL Cool J prides himself on pushing himself to the limit. He stated in his interview that when he dies he wants people to remember him as a person that maximized his potential. During this episode he offered some tips on how to maximize your potential. The tips were broken into four categories; career, family, religious beliefs, and health. Here are some helpful tips taken from each category to help you live your life without limits:

• Develop multiple streams of income by using your creativity. Here are a few questions to ask yourself that will help you create multiple streams of income. What are you good at doing? What could you do for hours without getting tired from it?

• Use your past to help shape a bright future. Take the good with the bad and use it as fuel to push yourself to the limits.

• Always give your very best. It’s something about doing your very best that allows you to have a peace of mind even if you don’t accomplish the goal you set.

• Have something that pushes you to be your best. There will be people who are not a fan of what you do but you have to know why you are doing it.

• Tithing is essential to prospering. LL Cool J actually quoted a few verses from the bible regarding tithing. Here is one verse that I believe should make anyone give tithing a chance. The bible says in Malachi 3:10 “Bring to the store house a tenth of what you gain. Then there will be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord of heaven’s armies. “I will open the window of heaven for you. I will pour out more blessings than you have room for.”

• Believe in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself when it gets rough it will be hard to hang in there until the end.

• Don’t be afraid to look foolish. People won’t believe in you, but you must believe in you if you are going to be successful. The Lord will have you do some things that may appear foolish to others but you have to be willing to look like a fool to get your blessing.