We really hope that we're not the only ones who have trouble listening to our characters. It's just so hard to write characters, either your own original characters or characters that already exist that you don't want to mess with their already laid out personality (especially when you have never interacted with the canon, we're looking at you Sydney). So to help us understand our characters better, we have a couple hard-hitting questions to ask them. Are you a pancake or waffle kinda guy? If you were a reptile, what kind of reptile would you be? When you die, where/who are you haunting until you ascend into the other side? Hopefully by us journeying back into our friendship, and going a little manic in the headcanons, it not only helps us hear our characters better, but also aids you in your fanfiction writing journey. As always, send us your fic recommendations, or reach out if you are a fic author who would like to be interviewed in the future, at [email protected]

If you used the questions we used today to dive into our characters, or if you have other questions that you would ask your characters, tweet at us @CanonICPod!

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