HAPPY OLYMPICS EVERYONE! We're celebrating the best of the best athletes by talking about Sydney's favorite winter sport, and Sydney's favorite movie... and Sydney's favorite trope, Okay, well it's Sydney's episode so what do you expect? The Winter Olympics means one thing and one thing only; that Sydney clears her schedule to make sure that she can watch every single second of those figure skating gods and goddesses. That's right, we're looking at you Nathan Chen, Yuzuru Hanyu, Yuna Kim, and Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir. But, we're not talking about these real life GOAT's. No, no. Today is all about Dmitry Sudayev and Anastasia Romonova (or should I say Anya Morozova). Today is all about figure skating, a little lost ice princess, her dashing conman of a ice skating partner, and all the fake dating/mutual pining goodness you can get. As always, send us your fic recommendations, or reach out if you are a fic author who would like to be interviewed in the future, at [email protected]

Go support the authors and give them a kudos over on AO3: Holding Tight as the Dancers Twirl by punto_y_coma

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