Is it better to be blissfully unaware, or know all the things, the good, the bad, and the ugly? We ask the question, what would you like to have never known or experienced, and how that may change our perceptions, and then flip the script and explore the things we wish we had known much earlier in life. We finish with a run through some of the major fads that occurred during our lifetime, and put those to the same test; glad we remember, or wish we could forget? This week's can, a 312 Peach from Goose Island.

We want your recommendations! What is your favorite canned beverage? We‘d love to have a taste and feature it on a future episode. Any additional suggestions, questions, or corrections you may have, we want to hear those as well!

Make it personal! Send us a voice message:

Or, hang-out with us on the inter-webs in all the usual places:

Instagram / Facebook: @cannedconvo
Twitter: @canned_convo
Reddit: u/Canned_Conversation
YouTube: Canned Conversation
Email: [email protected]

Checkout the Complete List of Cans Featured on the Show: Canned Convo Beverages.pdf

The Rating System: We rate each can and its contents on a scale of 0 to 5 stars. No half stars, we commit and stand by the full level we award.

5-Star: We love it so much, we rave about it to anyone who will listen, and actively hand them out to friends and family to try!
4-Star: We really like it, will proactively get more, and will keep some on hand to enjoy at our next social gathering.
3-Star: It's good, we like it, and equate it to our standard weekend selection. We won't go out of our way to acquire more, but will certainly have it again should the situation arise.
2-Star: It's not great. We will finish this can, but will part ways after, and will likely not meet again in the future.
1-Star: It's terrible. We won't be finishing the can, and will need another, better can, to wash the awful taste out of our mouths.
0-Star: It's so bad, it caused a visceral reaction that made us physically reject it's contents.

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