For cannabis cultivators, failing microbial and pesticide testing can be a death sentence.

Here to show us how to pass these tests with flying colors is Shawn Grey of Gard’nClean.

Learn more at 

Key Takeaways:

[00:47] An inside look at Gard’nClean, the world’s most user-friendly, point-of-use biocide for environmental sanitation

[1:18] Shawn’s background and how he got into the cannabis space

[4:33] The different government tests cannabis cultivators are required to pass

[6:53] Why so many cultivators fail these tests

[8:16] The most common mistakes cultivators make when trying to create a clean growing environment

[13:21] Chlorine dioxide and how it’s different from other cleaning agents

[16:10] How Gard’nClean yields pure chlorine dioxide to safely protect a grow environment with their just-add-water sachet technology

[21:46] The step-by-step process of cleaning a grow with Gard’nClean

[29:51] Shawn’s biggest takeaways for business owners and cultivators on how to keep grows clean and pass tests every time