Holy shit. What a fucking year 2020 has been! Thankfully, this dumpster fire of a year is almost over. I don’t know about any of you, but I really hope that light I see at the end of this tunnel we’ve been trapped in for the better part of this year isn’t the headlamp of an oncoming train. I’m trying to stay cautiously optimistic about 2021. This shit has to end sometime, right?

One good thing I can say about 2020 is that it brought me all of you. I am eternally grateful to everyone who has supported this little passion project of mine. I studied, learned a lot, and am thrilled to see my efforts bear fruit. Thank you to everyone who has listened to, enjoyed, and especially shared my podcast.

Don’t get me wrong; there are things I’m looking forward to in 2021. I’m just getting started; there’s still a lot of work to do. I have a lot of great guests I can’t wait to talk with in 2021. I’m not really in a position to say no to anyone who expresses interest in coming on, so as long as you have something to do with the SoCal cannabis community, I’m sure I can fit you into my show. I would love to collaborate with as many people as I possibly can.

Speaking of collaborations, I’m looking for sponsors for the new year. If you’ve listened to my show and think there’s value in it, I would love to hear from you. Shoot me an email, slide into my DMs, leave a comment on one of my episodes… seriously, I’m reachable.

CannaBlogger’s Corner is going to take a little high-atus for the Holidays, but as promised, I’ll be back after New Year’s with content fresher than a perfectly ripe avocado. Until then, I wish all of you the best this Holiday season. Take care of yourselves. Someone has to keep listening to my fucking podcast!